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Friday 11 October 2013


When you create a Gmail, Google Plus or another account, you will probably know it, but eventually you create a Google Account gives you access to all services of the U.S. giant. If each service has its own tricks, Google accounts are no exception to the rule. Discover how to connect to multiple accounts simultaneously, manage the activity recorded by the services and learn how to better secure your Google account.

Multiple sign on Gmail, Google Plus, Calendar ...

Google allows you to be connected to multiple accounts simultaneously on many services. It is possible to use 10 different Google accounts simultaneously on multiple tabs for example, without disconnecting! The feature can be very useful, especially to send emails via Gmail multiple addresses. It now takes just two clicks to switch between two different Google accounts! The Client access is available on the PC versions of many services: Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Plus, Google Maps, YouTube ... The tools that do not support the Client Management will default the first account logged during the session.
Whatever the service used, it must first be connected to a "master" account. Then, just click on its name (or email address), located in the upper right of any Google tool, then click on "Add Account" angle. Once connected via two different identifiers, you only have to click again to change your account name.

The Google Dashboard to manage all services

This is more or less the dashboard of all Google services associated with your account. And everything goes : Google Plus, Adsense, Android device , Gmail contacts , Feedburner , Gmail, Analytics , Google Books, Moderator , Google Calendar synchronization settings Google Chrome browser ... If you want to check a parameter , manage privacy settings related services or your Google alerts for example, you 're in the right place 

Control the activity of their Google Account

On this page dedicated to the activity of your Google Account, gathered many statistical and other information about you. This allows you to know the places to connect your account , browsers and operating systems used Changes related to authentication are also listed ( changing a password, adding a service using your account ..). 
Statistics from your Gmail, Google Calendar and YouTube accounts are repatriated , and you have access to your personal history .

Google allows you to receive a monthly summary of its activity. To activate , simply click on the little gear in the upper right corner.

Notice !!
If you detect unusual activity on your activity report, or via the visible active connections on Gmail, solutions exist. Google makes available a web page devoted to suspicious activity that explains how to prevent any foreign connections. You can also change your password and choose a more secure.

Remove application access to its Google account

On social networks , it is common to allow an application to access its private data . A regular spring cleaning can find a little serenity . On Google , the principle is the same, but the interface is less visible. You must visit this page to change these permissions . It is also possible to set a specific password for applications.

Secure your Google Account with the two-step 

The identification in two steps to better secure its Google account. With simple authentication, you must enter your password to login. The connection in two steps adds to enter a validation code received by SMS . This method can slow down the connection, but adds an additional security may be essential . Note that it is also possible to obtain the validation code by voice message.

However, Google provides a number of parades, in case your phone is not available: one thinks of a trip abroad , for example , or a flight. You can generate one or more unique activation code , to connect in these cases . And if you lose your phone, it will still be possible to connect to a previously authenticated device. For these devices defined by the user identification is subject to the entry of the password and this will speed up the process on the terminals and keep a remedy change, loss, theft or unavailability of the phone. Finally, if you own an Android smartphone, iPhone or Blackberry, you can download a dedicated generate a passcode application. Once installed, it does not require network coverage.

Get a Google Account

To recover a lost account ( forgotten password , Google Account hacked ... ) , the site offers many options to set before losing the account, of course! Once the feature set , you can be identified by Google in different ways, in order to receive a new password : telephone, email address secondary recovery , and / or secret question.

Download data with Google Takeout

Using the Google Toolbar , you upload a lot of data : Your photos on Picasa, your contacts on Gmail and Google Plus ... You can choose to retrieve this information by going to this page dedicated to downloading data. But all services are all available : you will generally go to the settings of each of the other tools to download data related to these services.

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